PS EDUCATION provides comprehensive, customised, student-centered services to schools and educators in the UK and abroad.
We work with local and international schools facilitating partnerships, supporting marketing and PR strategies and assisting development of school admissions and placements.
Whether you are a prep or senior school - day or boarding, we offer powerful and effective independent school marketing strategies, on-brand marketing communications, easy-to-use websites and digital coverage as well as marketing and PR campaigns. Whether you are looking at rebranding or boosting your admissions results, we can help. May be you are already reaching your targets, why sit on your laurels? Make sure you are always on a high level.
Partnerships and working hand in hand are key to a successful delivery of education and learning. Benefitting from various cultures and immersing ourselves and our students in different cultures and backgrounds, makes them grow into strong, knowledgeable and informed adults. We have set up partnerships and project activities between schools and universities in the Middle East and the Far East which the schools, businesses and families have found very fruitful.
In the last ten years, the number of international schools around the world has increased by over 50%. This is great news for all involved, more opportunities, more demand and more benefit for students across the world.
With so much choice, how do you as an international school, stand out? How are you promoting yourselves as a unique option?
We help you strike the marketing, branding and cultural balance and representation while keeping the ethos of a British education alive making sure that prospective families can see that you are a tier above the rest.
Looking at enhancing your admissions results? Would you like a review of your admissions procedure, your student demographics?
We can help you reach certain markets and targets according to your needs. Talk to us about an admissions review - from agency agreements to generic client optimisation.
PS Education provides you and your students with in-land UK
complete support – acting as your school-based counsellor and
adviser but the uniqueness of our offering is that we are based where
your students’ destinations are!
Our expert team guides your students and supports them fully – from
making choices on which courses to study, which career paths to start
navigating, which universities to aim for to how to apply and how to
submit an impressive and full-proof profile and application.
One of the many things we do to support schools and students, is our school tours of Edu-Talks! We either attend in person or online and talk to your students about their options and university application journey. Making such decisions can be very daunting and bringing specialist consultants into your school to talk to your students and families can add that extra re-assurance and support. Contact us to find out more!
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